General note : Logs are published without any modifications. The All Aircraft List at the bottom of the page provides a compilation of all the logs and should be regarded as the most complete and correct information source for the session.
If you use any of this information, please mention due credits to the Florennes Aviation Society web site. All pictures are copyright of the Florennes Aviation Society.


Monday 04 May ; Credits to Patrick Glas, MysteryShip website, Beloxi

ALCA Tzech Air Force 10h40 6061 as CEF319A/B, CEF320A/B
ALCA Tzech Air Force 10h41 6051 as CEF319A/B, CEF320A/B
Embraer BAF 15e wing 11h01 and 11h11 (Different touch and go's) CE 03 "60 Years - 15th Wing"
F16-AM Klu 322 sqn J-201 11h13 as Cobra 3/4
F16-AM Klu 322 sqn J-644 11h13 as Cobra 3/4
F16C Polish Air Force 4056 11h44 as PLF 654 A-C
+1 F-16D Polish Air Force as PLF 654 A-C
+1 F-16 Polish Air Force as PLF 654 A-C
+2 EF2000 EdA as AME 1121 A/B
+2 L-159 Czech Air Force as CEF319A/B, CEF320A/B
+2 Tornado AMI as I7020A/B
+2 F-16C 346 Mira HAF as HAF346A/B

752 C130H HAF special c/s

Full log in order of arrivals, by Beloxi

011 C-295 PLF
2507 AN26 CEF
CH-10 C-130 BAF t&g
MM62185 / 46-50 C-130 AMI
112 F-16 HAF
134 F-16 HAF
MM7052 / 50-02 Tornado AMI
MM7053 / 50-07 Tornado AMI
6055 L-159 CEF
6064 L-159 CEF
6061 L-159 CEF
6051 L-159 CEF
CE-03 EMB145 BAF t&g
J-644 F-16 RNLAF
J-201 F-16 RNLAF
4083 F-16D PLF
4056 F-16 PLF
4055 F-16 PLF
752 C-130 HAF
ST-25 SF260 BAF t&g
160 / 62-IS CN235 CTM
742 C-130 HAF
C.16-27 / 11-07 EF2000 AME
C.16-28 / 11-08 EF2000 AME
T21-01 / 35-39 C-295 AME

2x F-16C/SP already present on the TLP platform

Tuesday 05 May ; Credits to, MysteryShip website

TLP arrivals ;
616/3-XH Mirage 2000D EC03.003 FrAF as FAF 7231/7261
683/133-IV Mirage 2000D EC01.003 FrAF as FAF 7231/7261
333/4-AB Mirage 2000N EC01.004 FrAF as FAF 4201 A/B
348/4-AL Mirage 2000N EC01.004 FrAF as FAF 4201 A/B

2x Super Etendard 17F French Navy as FNY 5411/5412


Wednesday 06 May ;

No log yet

Thursday 07 May ; Credits to Toon Cox

FA-57/FS (landing 14h06)
FA-98 (landing 14h05)
FA-84/FS (landing 14h15)
FA-97/FS (landing 14h16)
FB-17/FS (landing 14h16)
FB-21 (landing 14h17)

C.16-27/11-07 EF2000 Ala 11 (12h42 - 14h09)
C.16-28/11-08 EF2000 Ala 11 (12h42 - 14h09)
4083 F-16D 31.BLT (12h44 - 14h12)
4055 F-16C 31.BLT (12h44 - 14h12)
MM7052/50-02 Tornado ECR 155°Gruppo ETS (12h47 - 14h21)
MM7053/50-07 Tornado ECR 155°Gruppo ETS (12h47 - 14h21)
FA-119 F-16AM 10W (12h48 - 14h22)
FA-87 F-16AM 10W (12h48 - 14h22) (Tiger tail)
6064 L-159A (12h50 - 14h27)
6055 L-159A (12h50 - 14h27)
6061 L-159A (12h51 - 14h53)
6051 L-159A (12h51 - 14h53)
FA-103 F-16AM 10W (12h53 - 14h31)
FA-83/FS F-16AM 2W (12h53 - 14h31)
683/133-IV Mirage 2000D EC01.003 (12h55 - 14h14)
616/133-XH Mirage 2000D EC03.003 (12h55 - 14h14)
134 F-16C 346 Mira (13h04 - 14h51)
112 F-16C 346 Mira (13h04 - 14h51)
91-0464/SP F-16DJ 22nd FS (13h06 - 14h45)
90-0843/SP F-16DJ 22nd FS (13h06 - 14h45)
J-637 F-16AM 312sqn (13h08 - 14h46)
J-199 F-16AM 311sqn (13h08 - 14h46)
J-201 F-16AM 322sqn (13h09 - 14h36)
J-644 F-16AM 322sqn (13h09 - 14h36)
348/4-AL Mirage 2000N EC01.004 (13h11 - 14h39)
333/4-AB Mirage 2000N EC01.004 (13h11 - 14h39)
32 Super Etendard 17F (13h13 - 14h43)
8 Super Etendard 11F (13h13 - 14h43)

H38 A109BA Wing Heli (fs 10h54)
H35 A109BA Wing Heli
CH-01 C-130H 20sm (low app 12h14, 12h24, 12h38)
FB-18 F-16BM 10W (fs 14h07) (OCU tail)
FA-86 F-16AM 10W (fs 14h08)
82-0656/SP A-10A 81 FS USAF

Another log provided by Richard de Florennes

Weather: scattered clouds, long sunny spells, mild, moderate wind

Based aircraft (2 Wing; 1 & 350 Squadron – all returning
from OPEVAL/FORCEVAL deployment at Beauvechain ):
F-16AM 2 Wing FA57/FS L14:04* a2
F-16AM 2 Wing FA98/- no badge L14:03* a1
F-16AM 2 Wing FA84/FS L14:15#4
F-16AM 2 Wing FA97/FS L14:15#4
F-16BM 2 Wing FB17/FS L14:16#4
F-16BM 2 Wing FB21/- no badge L14:16#4

Detached aircraft (Tactical Leadership Programme - TLP 2009/3):
EF.2000 Ala 11 C.16-28/11-08 T12:41 L14:08*
EF-2000 Ala 11 C.16-27/11-07 T12:41 L14:08*
F-16D 3/6.elt 4083 T12:44 L14:11*
F-16C 3/6.elt 4055 T12:44 L14:11*
Tornado ECR-IT 155°Gruppo MM7053/50-07 T12:46 L14:19*
Tornado ECR-IT 155°Gruppo MM7053/50-07 T12:46 L14:19*
F-16AM 10 Wing FA119/- no badge T12:48 L14:21*
F-16AM 10 Wing FA87 /- spec tail T12:48 L14:21*
L-159A 6064 T12:49 L14:24*
L-159A 6055 T12:49 L14:24*
L-159A 6051 T12:51 L14:51*
L-159A 6061 T12:51 L14:51*
F-16AM 2 Wing FA103/- no badge T12:52 L14:30*
F-16AM 2 Wing FA89 /FS T12:52 L14:30*
Mirage 2000D EC00.133 683/133-IV T12:54 L14:12*
Mirage 2000D EC00.133 616/133-XH T12:54 L14:12*
F-16C 346 Mira 134 T13:03 L14:49*
F-16C 346 Mira 112 T13:03 L14:49*
F-16D 22ndFS 91-464/SP r T13:05 L14:43*
F-16D 22ndFS 90-843/SP r T13:05 L14:43*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-637 T13:07 L14:45*
F-16AM 311 Sqn J-198 T13:07 L14:45*
F-16AM 322 Sqn J-201 T13:08 L14:34*
F-16AM 322 Sqn J-644 T13:08 L14:34*
Mirage 2000N EC01.004 333/4-AB T13:10 L14:38*
Mirage 2000N EC01.004 348/4-AL T13:10 L14:38*
Super Etendard M 11F 32 no badge T13:12 L14:42*
Super Etendard M 11F 8 T13:12 L14:42*

Visiting aircraft/additional movements:
A.109BA Heli Wing H38 L10:53 T13:23
A.109BA Heli Wing H35 L12:39 T13:19
C-130H 20 Sqn CH03 3A12:12+
F-16BM 10 Wing FB18/- spec tail L14:05*
F-16AM 10 Wing FA86/- no badge L14:05*

(notes: somewhere in time it had to become reality – the last TLP flying course ever at Florennes had begun. Of course I would not take the risk to miss any opportunity to make best use of this final chance. Therfore, I joined another tour to Belgium with a fellow spotter.
Weather on the spot was as good or even better than forecasted and allowed for really enjoying a mass-launch and recoveries of an unexpected high number of 28 participating aircraft. Although half of them where F-16s, especially the Polish “fat-back” F-16D with conformal fuel tank and two F-16Ds from Spangdahlem featured some different shapes of the well-known aircraft type.
My personal highlight however where the two nowadays very rare Super Etendards, while four French Mirage 2000s, four Czech L-159s plus pairs of Italian Tornados and Spanish Eurofighter where very welcome too. Additional activity was provided by six based F-16s returning from exercise at Beauvechain; including two examples each equipped with a recce-pods under the belly and an ECM-pod under the port-wing. As this was not enough, two Belgian A.109s and a C-130 paid a visit. A further addition for this great day-log where two A.109s observed visually and identified via radio exactly when passing Liege airport on our way to Florennes and back home ...)

Friday 08 May ;

No log yet

TLP mission flown but cancelled close to targets over England


Monday 11 May ; Credits to Mysteryship Website

No TLP mission flown

1x Falcon 20 FRAviation as RUSHTON 99
2x Hawk 100 Sqn RAF as RFR7044 A/B

Tuesday 12 May ; Credits to Patrick Dirksen, Mysteryship Website

Falcon 20 G-FRAS
F-16C 4055, 4056
L-159A 6051, 6055, 6061, 6064
Hawk XX289/CO, XX329/CJ
EF.2000 C.16-27/11-07, C.16-28/11-08
F-16D (90-)0843/SP, 91-0464/SP
F-16C 112, 134
Tornado ECR (MM)/50-02, (MM)/50-07
S. Etendard 1 (17 F), 8 (11 F, grey c/s)
F-16AM J-199 (311 sq), J-201 (322 sq), J-637 (312 sq), J-644 (322 sq)
F-16AM FA86, FA103, FA119, FA87 (special tiger tail)
Mirage 2000N 616/133-XH, 683/133-IV
Mirage 2000D 333/4-AB, 348/4-AL

By the time those had all left three Vipers were left on the platform: Polish F-16D 4083, USAF (92-3)918/SP and an unknown SP F-16C with red tailband. Apparently the mission got cancelled after all, since the first aircraft already started returning before we had made it to the eastern end again. Lucky for us they decided this AFTER take off!

TLP arrivals
1x Super Etendard 17F French Navy as Quina H
G-FRAF Falcon 20 FRAviation
2x -16 23FS USAF as Fenway 01/02
1x EF2000 Ala 11 EdA as AME1122

TLP departures
1x Super Etendard 17F French Navy as FNY 5418
G-FRAF Falcon 20 FRAviation

Wednesday 13 May ; Log provided by Edwin

Before noon:
Sting 11 FA84FS,68FS,92FS,FB21FS

L159A 6055, 6064
F16C/D 4056, 4083
F16AM J-201, J-644
Hawk XX329/CJ, XX289/CO
F16CJ SP 90/0828, SP 92/3918
F16AM FA86, FA103
F16AM FA119, FA87(tigercs) (emergency landing)
M2000D 133-XH 616, 133-IV 683
L159A 6061, 6051
F16AM J-199, J-637
Tornado ECR 50-02 MM...., 50-07 MM....
SEM 1,8 (grey)
M2000N 4-AL 348, 4-AB 333
EF2000 11-07 C.16-27, 11-08 C.16-28

Left on ramp:
2 x F16 HAF
1 x EF2000 11-0.
F16C 4055


Matrix 51 FA71FS (emergency), FA57FS, FA111, FA98
Matrix 61 FA81, FA84FS

Thursday 14 May ; Credits to Mysteryship Website

No log yet

TLP arrivals
2x F-16 346 Mira HAR as HAF 346 A/B

Friday 15 May ; Credits to Mysteryship Website

No log yet

TLP arrivals
2x F-16 18/23 Gr AMI as I 7255 A/B

TLP departures
2x Hawk 100 Sqn RAF as IGLOO 42/43


Monday 18 May ; Credits to Per Theeuwes, Joep de Winkel and Bart Ettema, Graham Skinner, Frits Jongerman

Flying were:
F-16C 112 346 Mira
F-16C 130 346 Mira
F-16C 134 346 Mira
F-16C 140 346 Mira
F-16A-ADF MM7239 (spec c/s)
F-16A-ADF MM7253
F-16C 4056 Polish AF
F-16D 4083 Polish AF
F-16AM J-199 311sqn
F-16AM J-637 312sqn
F-16AM J-201 322sqn
F-16AM J-644 322sqn
F-16CJ 90-0828/SP 22FS/52FW
F-16CJ 92-3918/SP 23FS/52FW
F-16AM FA-81 no mks
F-16AM FA-86 no mks
F-16AM FA-103 no mks
F-16AM FA-119 no mks
Mirage 2000D 616/133-XH EC03.003
Mirage 2000N 333/4-AB EC01.004
Mirage 2000N 348/4-AL EC01.004
Tornado ECR MM7052/50-02 155 Gruppo
Tornado ECR MM7053/50-07 155 Gruppo
Super Etendard M 1 17F
Super Etendard M 8 11F
EF2000 C.16-27/11-07, C.16-28/11-08 Ala11

Left at ramp were:
1 Mirage 2000D
1 Tornado ECR
4x L-159A

Inside TLP hangar:
1x F-16C Polish Air Force
1x EF2000 Ala 11

1 Tornado ECR left when the TLP aircraft had returned, we saw it too late and couldn’t read it off.
Mirage 2000D 616 waited on the runway ready for take off and then aborted the mission  and went back to the platform.

A 2-ship Mirage 2000’s passed the field when the F-16’s came in. They were too high and too far away to identify them.

Another log ptovided by Graham Skinner

TLP Launch in order of dep
Falcon 20 G-FRAS
F-16C 130, 140 346 Mira
F-16C 134, 112 346 Mira
F-16D 4083, F-16C 4056 2.SLT
F-16CJ 900828 r, 923918 bl both SP 52FW
F-16AM J-637, J-199
F-16AM FA103, FA86
Mirage 2000N 348/4-AL, 333/4-AB EC01.004
Super Etendard 1, 8
F-16AM J-644, J-201
F-16AM FA81, FA119
EF2000 C.16-27/11-07, C.16-28/11-08 Ala11
Tornado ECR MM7053/50:07, MM7052/50:02 50St
F-16A ADF MM7253, MM7239 spcl marks 37St
Mirage 2000D 616/133-XH EC03.003 ground abort on runway
Left on ramp was 1 x Mirage 2000D, 4 x L-159
In hgr rear left hand side EF2000 Spain unidentified, while F-16C 4055 was tugged in at 1000 when F-16D 4083 was tugged out
Alouette 2 unidentified parked by HAS arrived 0800
Tornado ECR MM7021/50:01 50St arr 0915 dep after launch
C-130H CH07 spcl marks 20Sm circuits 1005-1050
Hawk XX289/CO, XX329/CJ both 100 sqdn arr 1605 onto TLP ramp
Mirage 2000D 602/3-XJ EC03.003 o/s 1715
C295 T.21-13/35-51 Ala 35 arr 1725 c/s AME3543
Based noted
F-16AM FA130/FS, FA128, FA64/FS, FA92/FS, FA67 and F-16BM FB21 all departed in morning did not return
F-16BM FB09 arr pm 
Other noted
A-109 H16 bl/wht exhib airframe
F-16BM FB15 used by fireman for rescue demo's

Another log provided by Frits Jongerman

TLP Launch in order of dep

Falcon 20 G-FRAS “IGLOO 07”
F-16C 130, 140 346 Mira “IGLOO 30/31”
F-16C 134, 112 346 Mira “IGLOO 40/41”
F-16D 4083 2.SLT “IGLOO 34”
F-16C 4056 2.SLT “IGLOO 35”
F-16CJ 90-828/SP rd 22 FS/52 FW “IGLOO 22”
F-16CJ 92-918/SP bl 23 FS/52 FW “IGLOO 23”
F-16AM J-637 312 sqn “IGLOO 16”
F-16AM J-199 311 Sqn “IGLOO 17”
F-16AM FA-103, FA-86 nm “IGLOO 03/04”
Mirage 2000N 348/4-AL, 333/4-AB EC01.004 “IGLOO 14/15”
Super Etendard 1, 8  “IGLOO 10/11”
F-16AM J-644, J-201 322 Sqn “IGLOO 20/21”
F-16AM FA-81, FA-119 nb “IGLOO 01/02”
EF2000 C.16-27/11-07, C.16-28/11-08 Ala11 “IGLOO 32/33”
Tornado ECR MM7053/50:07, MM7052/50:02 50 St “IGLOO 24/25”
F-16A ADF MM7253, MM7239 spcl marks 37 St “IGLOO 42/43”
Mirage 2000D 616/133-XH EC03.003 ground abort on runway “IGLOO 13” 

Left on ramp was 1 x Mirage 2000D, 4 x L-159

Tornado ECR MM7021/50:01 50St arr 0915 dep after launch “I7006”
C-130H CH-07 marks 20Sm/15 Wing circuits 1005-1050 “BAF 639” back EBBR
“FAF7020” 2x Mirage 2000 flying over the field during TLP recovery and waited for French Air Control to cross the border. Time 14:10 lt

Based noted
F-16AM FA130/FS, FA128, FA64/FS, FA67
FA-92/FS “STING 11”,
FA-114/FS STING 13”
FA?? “STING 12”
F-16BM FB21 “STING 14” all departed in morning did not return

Other noted 2 Wing shelterarea:
A-109 H16 bl/wht exhib airframe
F-16BM FB15 used by fireman for rescue demo's

Tuesday 19 May ; Credits to Laurent Vlieghe, Oscar Bosman, Graham Skinner

TLP mission, in order of departure ;
6064 L-159A Czech AF
6065 L-159A Czech AF
130 F-16C HAF
140 F-16C HAF
MM7239(81-0680) F-16A AMI special scheme
MM7253(81-0811) F-16A AMI
C.16-27/11-07 EF2000 EdA
C.16-28/11-08 EF2000 EdA
112 F-16C HAF
134 F-16C HAF
92-3918/SP bl F-16C USAF
90-0828/SP rd F-16C USAF
MM7057/50-02 Tornado AMI
MM70?3/50-07 Tornado AMI
FA-103 F-16AM BAF/AC
1 Super Etendard French Navy
8 Super Etendard French Navy light grey c/s
G-FRAS Falcon 20 FRAviation
J-199 F-16AM KLu
XX329/CJ Hawk RAF
XX289/CO Hawk RAF
6055 L-159A Czech AF
6051 L-159A Czech AF
J-644 F-16AM KLu
J-201 F-16AM KLu
348/4-AL Mirage 2000N FrAF
683/133-IV Mirage 2000D FrAF
616/133-XH Mirage 2000D FrAF

Left on TLP platform ;
1x PolAF F-16C
1x PolAF F-16D
1x Mirage 2000 FrAF

1x SF.260 BAF/AC

Additions provided by Oscar Bosman

H-16 in shelter area
A-64 Al2 dep as BAM364
H-23 low approach (just after H-40)
ST-43 low approach as BAF195
FA-110 low approach just before tlp launch

Another log ptovided by Graham Skinner

TLP launch in order
L-159A 6064, 6065
F-16C 130, 140 346 Mira
F-16A ADF MM7239 spcl, MM7253 37 St
EF2000 C.16-27/11-07, C.16-28/11-08 both Ala11
F-16C 112, 134 346 Mira
F-16CJ 923918 bl, 900828 r both SP 52FW
Tornado ECR MM7053/50:07, MM7052/50:02 50 St
F-16AM FA103, FA81
Super Etendard 1, 8
Falcon 20 G-FRAS
F-16AM J-199, J-637
Hawk XX329/CJ, XX289/CO 100 Sqn
L-159A 6055, 6051
F-16AM J-644, J-201
Mirage 2000N 348/4-AL EC01.004
Mirage 2000D 683/133-IV EC01.003, 616/133-XH EC03.003
F-16AM FA98, FA86
Left on ramp Miage 2000N 333/4-AB EC01.004, F-16C 4056, F-16D 4083 2.SLT
No based F-16's flew, but they did pull Cub LB01, LB05 and a glider PL42 out. LB01 then departed, and after LB05 buzzed the spotters on the fence collected the glider and then departed also.
The unidentified Alouette 2 departed in the morning about 1140
C295 T.21-13/35-51 Ala 35 departed about 1130 ish and did not return
A-109 H40 o/s about 1500

Wednesday 20 May ; Credits to Philippe Devos, Graham Skinner, Frits Jongerman

XX329/CJ Hawk RAF
XX289/CO Hawk RAF
F-16C 4055 Polish AF
F-16D 4083 Polish AF
F-16AM J-201 322sqn
F-16AM J-644 322sqn
FA-119 F-16AM BAF/AC
F-16C 134 346 Mira
F-16C 140 346 Mira
Tornado ECR MM7052/50-02 155 Gruppo
Tornado ECR MM7053/50-07 155 Gruppo
F-16CJ 90-0828/SP 22FS/52FW
Mirage 2000D 616/133-XH EC03.003
Mirage 2000D 623/133-IV EC03.003
F-16AM J-637 312sqn
F-16AM J-199 322sqn
F-16A-ADF MM7239 (spec c/s)
F-16A-ADF MM7253
Mirage 2000N 333/4-AB EC01.004
Mirage 2000N 348/4-AL EC01.004
EF2000 C.16-27/11-07, C.16-28/11-08 Ala11

L-159A 6064
L-159A 6055
L-159A 6051
L-159A 6061
1 Super Etendard French Navy
8 Super Etendard French Navy light grey c/s

Another log provided by Graham Skinner

TLP launch in order
Falcon 20 G-FRAS
F-16AM FA86, FA87 tiger marks
F-16C 4055, F-16D 4083 2.SLT
F-16AM J-201, J-644
F-16AM FA119
F-16C 140, 134 346 Mira
Tornado ECR MM7053/50:07, MM7052/50:02 50 St
F-16CJ 900828 r SP 52FW
Mirage 2000D 623/133-MP EC02.003, 683/133-IV EC01.003
F-16AM J-637, J-199
F-16A ADF MM7239 spcl marks, MM7253 37 St
Mirage 2000N 333/4-AB, 348/4-AL EC01.004
EF2000 C16.27/11-07 Ala 11
then a long gap before 4 L159A's 6064, 6065, 6055, 6051 departed, but not sure what order, and the Super Etendard's 1, 8 also departed, by then we were back on the road waiting for the arrivals
Left on ramp were EF2000 11-01 which had been in the hgr Monday and Tuesday, F-16CJ 923918 bl SP 52FW. f-16C 112 346 Mira
Change overs on the ramp/hangar were EF2000 11-01 out and C.16-28/11-08 in, F-16C 4055 out and 4056 in. F-16C 130 in to hgr
Mirage 2000D 623/133-MP EC02.003 arr 0940 onto TLP ramp which replaced 616/133-XH which departed at 1130
SF260 ST42 o/s 1010
SF260 ST45 o/s 1135
SF260 ST04, ST32, ST02, ST23, ST03 all landed at 1330 after a bit of 5 ship formation flying
Hawks XX289/CO, XX329/CJ departed 1045 
F-16AM FA115 was the firemans new plaything
F-16AM FA109?/FS not clear on pic departed 0925
2 x F-16AM's departed 1050 QRA ones?
F-16BM FB22 landed 1335

Another log provided by Frits Jongerman

TLPlaunch in order

Falcon 20 G-FRAS                         “IGLOO 07”
Hawk T1 XX289?CO, XX329/CJ 100 Sqn       “IGLOO 42/43” stayed in UK
F-16AM FA86,                             “IGLOO 01”
F-16AM  FA87 tiger marks                 “IGLOO 02”
F-16C 4055 2.SLT/PolishAF                “IGLOO 34”
F-16D 4083 2.SLT/PolishAF                “IGLOO 35”
F-16AM J-201 322 Sqn                     “IGLOO 20”
F-16AM J-644 322 Sqn                     “IGLOO 21”
F-16AM FA119  nb                         “IGLOO 03”
F-16C 140, 134 both 346 Mira             ”IGLOO 30/31”
Tornado ECR MM7053/50-07                 “IGLOO 24”
Tornado ECR MM7052/50-02 50 St           “IGLOO 25”
F-16CJ 90-828/SP rd 22 FS/52 FW          “IGLOO 22”
Mirage 2000D 623/133-MP EC02.003         “IGLOO 12”
Mirage 2000D 683/133-IV EC01.003         “IGLOO 13”
F-16AM J-637 312 Sqn                     “IGLOO 16”
F-16AM J-199 311 Sqn                     “IGLOO 17”
F-16A ADF MM7239 spcl marks, [           “IGLOO 44” arr Leuchars
F-16A ADF MM7253 37 St [81-0811]         “IGLOO 45” ,,     ,,
Mirage 2000N 333/4-AB EC 01.004          “IGLOO 15”
Mirage 2000N 348/4-AL EC 01.004          “IGLOO 14”
EF2000 C16.27/11-07 Ala 11               “IGLOO 33”
Super Etendard M 1                       “IGLOO 10”
Super Etednard M 8                       “IGLOO 11”
L-159 6064, 6065                         “IGLOO 37/38”
L-159 6055, 6051                         “IGLOO 05/06”               

Left on ramp were
EF-2000 C.16-21/11-01  Ala 11
(C.16-28/11-08 was towed into TLP Hangar and was replaced by 11-01)
F-16CJ 92-918/SP bl SP 23 FS/52FW
F-16C 112 346 Mira

Mirage 2000D 623/133-MP EC02.003 arr 0940 “FAF 7260”onto TLP ramp which replaced 616/133-XH which departed at 1130 “FAF 7260”
SF260 ST42 o/s  “Gossip 45” back Bevekom AB
SF260 ST45 o/s  “Message 98” arr/dep Bevekom AB
SF260 ST02, ST03, ST04, ST23 and ST32 all landed at 1330 after flybys

F-16AM FA115 was the firemans new plaything
F-16AM FA109/FS departed 0925/ arr “MATRIX 75”
F-16AM FA68/FS and FA71/FS (LH01 and LH02) QR

Thursday 21 May ;

No TLP mission

Friday 22 May ;

No TLP mission


Monday 25 May ;

No TLP mission

Tuesday 26 May ;

C-SAR mission

No log yet

Wednesday 27 May ; Credits to Laurent Vlieghe

TLP mission, in order of departure ;
6064 L-159A Czech AF
6065 L-159A Czech AF
130 F-16C HAF
112 F-16C HAF
MM7253(81-0811) F-16A AMI
MM7239(81-0680) F-16A AMI special scheme
C.16-27/11-07 EF2000 EdA
4055 F-16C
4083 F-16D
90-0828/SP rd F-16C USAF
91-0358/SP rd F-16C USAF
MM7053/50-07 Tornado AMI
348/4-AL Mirage 2000N FrAF
333/4-AB Mirage 2000N FrAF
J-199 F-16AM KLu
J-637 F-16AM KLu
J-201 F-16AM KLu
J-644 F-16AM KLu
1 Super Etendard French Navy
8 Super Etendard French Navy light grey c/s
683/133-IV Mirage 2000D FrAF
623/133-MB Mirage 2000D FrAF
6051 L-159A Czech AF
6055 L-159A Czech AF
C.16-28/11-08 EF2000 EdA
140 F-16C HAF
134 F-16C HAF
FA-119 F-16AM BAF/AC
FA-87 F-16AM BAF/AC "31st Tiger" c/s
2x HH-3F AMI
2x Mi-24/35 CzAF
1x A.109 BAF

Thursday 28 May ;

Expect transport aircraft !

Friday 29 May ;

TLP departure day
All participants to leave from 9:00 till 12:00. Expect transport aircraft !


All Aircraft List
BELGIUM - Belgian Armed Forces/Air Component (BAF/AC)
CANADA - Canadian Forces (CF)
DENMARK - Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF)
FRANCE - French Air Force (FrAF)
FRANCE - French Navy (FrN)
FRANCE - French Army Light Aviation/Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre (ALAT)
GERMANY - German Air Force (GAF)
GERMANY - German Navy (GN)
GERMANY - German Army Aviation/HeeresFliegerTruppen (Heer)
GREECE - Hellenic Air Force (HAF)
ITALY - Italian Air Force/Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI)
ITALY - Italian Navy/Marina Militare Italiana (MMI)
ITALY - Italian Army/Cavalleria dell'Aria
NATO - NATO Airborne Early Warning Force (NAEWF)
NETHERLANDS - Royal Netherlands Air Force/Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu)
NORWAY - Royal Norwegian Air Force/Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret (KNL)
PORTUGAL - Portuguese Air Force/Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP)
SPAIN - Spanish Air Force/Ejército del Aire (EdA)
SPAIN - Spanish Navy/Arma Aérea de la Armada (Armada)
SPAIN - Spanish Army/Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra (FAMET)
TURKEY - Turkish Air Force/Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (THK)
UNITED KINGDOM - Flight Refuelling Aviation (FRA)
UNITED KINGDOM - Royal Air Force (RAF)
UNITED KINGDOM - Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (RN)
arr arrived
dep departed
f/n first noted
l/n last noted
spec c/s special colour scheme
tbc to be confirmed
u/m unmarked
General note : Logs are published without any modifications. The All Aircraft List provides a compilation of all the logs and should be regarded as the most complete and correct information source for the session.
If you use any of this information, please mention due credits to the Florennes Aviation Society web site. All pictures are copyright of the Florennes Aviation Society.