LIL 18/09/10 ; the quest for the “plane of the year” at LIL !!!
by L@urent on sept.23, 2010, under Aviation photo trips @, LIL - Lille Lesquin, France
Hello all,
When reading the airport’s website i noticed the departure of the second Windrose Embraer at 14:00 (on the departure list)
Needless to say, it took me very little time to jump in the car tio reach LIL. There were very little moves around the aircraft event at 14:00. Then things were quite quick … pilots dropped by a car, stairs removed, engines fired up and 7 minutes later, the aircraft was on the 26 barrier, opposite to it’s maintenance parking.
SELECT p.filepath AS pFilepath, p.filename AS pFilename, p.aid AS pAid, p.filesize AS pFilesize, p.title AS pTitle, p.caption AS pCaption, p.owner_name AS pOwner_name, p.owner_id as pOwnerId, p.ctime AS pCtime, p.hits AS pHits, AS pPid, p.pic_rating AS pPic_Rating, p.votes AS pVotes, p.pwidth AS pWidth, p.pheight AS pHeight, p.user1 as pUser1, p.user2 as pUser2, p.user3 as pUser3, p.user4 as pUser4, c.cid as cCid, as cName, c.description as cDescription, c.pos as cPos, c.parent as cParent, c.thumb as cThumb, u.user_lastvisit AS uUser_lastvisit,u.user_regdate AS uUser_regdate,u.user_email AS uUser_email,u.user_profile1 AS uUser_profile1,u.user_profile2 AS uUser_profile2,u.user_profile3 AS uUser_profile3,u.user_profile4 AS uUser_profile4,u.user_profile5 AS uUser_profile5,u.user_profile6 AS uUser_profile6, a.aid AS aAid, a.title AS aTitle, a.description AS aDescription, a.visibility as aVisibility, a.pos as aPos, a.category as aCategory, a.thumb as aThumb, a.keyword as aKeyword FROM copper_pictures AS p LEFT JOIN copper_albums AS a ON p.aid = a.aid LEFT JOIN copper_categories AS c ON a.category = c.cid, copper_users AS u WHERE = 1397 AND ((a.visibility = 0 OR a.visibility IS NULL) AND (a.alb_password IS NULL OR a.alb_password = “”)) AND p.approved=’YES’
If you know a bit the airport layout at LIL, you know that when runway 26 is in use, aircraft may (or won’t) taxi to the far end of the runway, and at that place you can photograph both side of the aircraft from a close location.
This aircraft was too important to gamble on the 26 backtrack ! … and you probably guess it did backtrack ! Too bad …
I preferred to have a little walk in the fields to try to locate a good place to photograph it … as you have seen, i was fortunate to find the best place !
Also of interest is DAH1048 operated by TC-SGH B737-800 of Saga Airlines ! Great, one of the two summer leased airframe i need ! Next, the Calima 737 would be nice soon …
Log covering other flights ;
F-HBLC Emb-190 Regional
F-GRZE CRJ700 Brit Air
F-HBXD Emb170 Regional
EI-DLT B738W Ryanair
CN-RPE B738 Jet4You
D-CAVE Learjet 35 Deutsche Rettungsflugwacht (DRF) was the mysterious EF608/609 flight planned around midday.
Well, what a day at this little airport !