EI-DUC B757-200 I-Fly26/08/2010
LY-FLB B737-300(WL) SCAT Airlines26/08/2010
RA-86109 Il-86 Atlant SoyuzIn Sibir basic c/s - 26/08/2010
RA-42432 Yak-42D Saratov26/08/2010
RA-73015 B757-200 Air BashkortostanLeased from VIM Airlines - 26/08/2010
N738MA B737-800(WL) ArkeFlyLeased from Miami Air for summer duties - 26/08/2010
RA-86109 Il-86 Atlant SoyuzStill two months of life before complete withdrawal of all Il-86 - 26/08/2010
RA-86124 Il-86 Donavia26/08/2010
RA-86138 Il-86 Atlant Soyuz26/08/2010
RA-86141 Il-86 Donavia26/08/2010
RA-86141 Il-86 DonaviaEnd of an era for these dinosaurs - 26/08/2010
TC-KLB A320 Kogalymavia26/08/2010