TC-OGJ A320 AnadoluJet03/10/10Oct 04, 2010
SX-DVV A320 AegeanWith Acropolis sticker - 03/10/10Oct 04, 2010
EI-OZB A300 Air ContactorsIn DHL c/s - 03/10/10Oct 04, 2010
HL7465 B747-400 Korean Air ForceASEM8 arrival - 03/10/10Oct 04, 2010
9M-NAA A319CJ Malaysia Air ForceASEM8 arrival - 03/10/10Oct 04, 2010
B-8100 Gulfstream V Deer AirASEM8 arrival - 03/10/10Oct 04, 2010
TC-JLO A319 Turkish AirlinesHighlight of the day, one of the (only) two Turkish Airline A319 operating a flight to Diyarbakir early morning - 09/03/10Jun 20, 2010
G-ECOG Dash 8-400 FlyBeScary take off - 09/03/10Jun 20, 2010
OO-VLJ Fokker 50 VLMIn CityJet full c/s - 09/03/10Jun 20, 2010
PH-AHX B767-300 ArkeFly09/03/10Jun 20, 2010
9A-CQD Dash 8-400 Croatia AirlinesDue to 15th Wing lease problems, Hi Fly all white A330 and A310 in Oman Air c/s were present on the military apron - 09/03/10Jun 20, 2010
G-RJXJ Emb-135 BMI Regional09/03/10Jun 20, 2010
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