C-FFAL B737-2R8C Adv Falconbridge31/07/07 (4 votes)

C-GMON Dash 8-301 Jazz AirRed c/s - 30/07/07 (4 votes)

C-GONX Dash 8-102 Jazz AirYou can notice the change of size between -100 and -300 models - 30/07/07 (4 votes)

C-GKON Dash 8-102 Jazz AirRed c/s - 30/07/07 (4 votes)

C-FPAG Saab 340 Provincial Airlines05/08/07 (3 votes)

C-GIUB A321-200 Air Canada"70 years" anniversary c/s - 02/08/07 (3 votes)

C-FEIQ Emb-170 Air Canada01/08/07 (3 votes)

C-FSKM CRJ-100ER Jazz AirOrange c/s - 01/08/07 (3 votes)

N505AU B737-300 US AirwaysIn New c/s - 31/07/07 (3 votes)

N729AE Emb-135LR American EagleAnother big airline with 300+ aircraft, including 200+ Embraers - 30/07/07 (3 votes)

C-FFAL B737-2R8C Adv Falconbridgexstrata Nickel new tail scheme - 30/07/07 (3 votes)

C-GCPT B737-217 Adv First AirUnique Inukshuk LogoJet - 30/07/07
The Inukshuk, which means "likeness of person" was first used by the Inuit people to mark trails, indicate caches of food, locate Caribou herds as well as good places to hunt or fish. Most of the Canadian Arctic is dominated year round by permafrost and only has a few natural landmarks which could be used for orientation, thats why Inukshuks are used as directional markers (Eric F.). (3 votes)